They’re Slashing Environmental Protection

We urgently need your help to stop Congress from slashing environmental protection programs. This week, the House of Representatives will be voting on a bill that would drastically cut funding for clean water and clean air programs, national parks and clean energy programs. This budget bill–known as the “continuing resolution”will jeopardize wetlands, wildlife, and the health of Gulf residents.Among the many scary prospects of this legislation, a few of the ways the bill would impact the Gulf are by:cutting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) funding by a crippling 29%, which could limit their ability to work with Gulf communities on environmental and health concerns associated with the BP drilling disaster,for the first time ever, legislatively remove protection from an endangered species (endangered wolves) without any scientific basis, setting a horrible precedent for wildlife in the Gulf like the sperm whale and manatee, andremoving the EPA’s ability to regulate global warming emissions, leaving the Gulf more vulnerable to rising seas and stronger storms.Congress should not be removing these environmental protections, especially in a spending bill where they cannot be fully debated. There is not much time – Congress intends to act on this proposal before the end of this week.Please act now by sending a message your representative to vote no on the “Continuing Resolution” (H.R. 1), and to stand against this needless assault on clean water, wetlands and wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. Sarthou is the Executive Director of Gulf Restoration Network.

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