New Gulf Tides Video on Marine Impacts of BP’s Disaster

Nearly a year and a half after BP proudly and loudly announced they would spend $1 billion to begin the process of restoring the Gulf in the wake of their disaster, do you want to guess how much they’ve committed to the projects needed to implement that ‘early restoration’?Less than 10%.That’s right in 15 months, and with billions in projects suggested to BP and Gulf and federal leaders, they’ve agreed to about $60 million in restoration efforts.Take action today to ask them to do more restoration now!Meanwhile, the impacts to the Gulf due to BP’s deepwater drilling disaster are becoming more apparent. Corals have been smothered in BP’s oil, deepwater fish have lesions, likely from BP’s crude. In the wake of Hurricane Isaac, more of BP’s oil showed up in the marsh and on our barrier islands.In GRN’s new video, which you can watch to the right, we focus on fish, the marine environment, and opportunities for BP to spend some of their remaining $940,000,000 to help the Gulf recover right now.I hope you’ll take a moment, learn what’s happening beneath the surface of the Gulf and the headlines, and then add your voice to ours to urge action from BP.Aaron Viles is GRN’s Deputy Director. You can follow him on twitter here.

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