Save Our Schools (the Underwater Kind)

The Gulf of Mexico is an amazing natural treasure. From deep water corals far off shore, to miles of seagrasses hugging our coasts, we have diverse habitats which can help spawn enormous fish populations. Unfortunately, we haven’t always followed scientific advice to ensure that there will be enough fish for our great-grandkids to catch. From commercial trawlers to recreational sportfishermen to folks ordering off a restaurant’s ‘fresh-catch’ menu – we haven’t demanded the best possible management of the Gulf’s natural resources. Thanks to leadership in Congress, the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is ensuring that local fish populations have sensible, science-based annual catch limits. Please take a moment today and support the rules that our federal and state regional managers at the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council are putting together to conserve and rebuild our schools of fish.Red snapper, mackerel, grouper, and other species have shown that when sensible limits are put in place, fish populations can begin to rebound. Fair and uniform rules should be set up to make sure that all fish populations in the Gulf have the protections they need to thrive, while feeding our families, providing recreational opportunities, and playing critical roles in the marine environment. Please take a moment to ask the Gulf Council to put science-based rules in place. Aaron Viles is GRN’s campaign director

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