Healthy Gulf Blog
Gulf Future Volunteers Rock Outside Lands
This weekend, 12 amazing volunteers from Northern California joined together to help communities in the…
Crabs In The Bulls-Eye: Timbalier Island
In Timbalier Bay, the clean- up workers may have left, but plenty of oil remains….
Canoe for the Coast!
“I loved it! I had a great time. How often do you get the chance…
USF Researchers Continue to Follow BP’s Crude, Subsea Impacts
CNN’s Ed Lavendara continues his solid reporting on the environmental considerations of the BP drilling…
26% Doesn’t SEEM That Bad: Breaking Down the BP Disaster Numbers
The nation needs to remain concerned about the bp drillling disaster. There seems to be…
Oil, Oil Everywhere, Not A Skimmer In Site
Today Jonathan Henderson and I flew over the wetlands in Louisiana and along the coast…
Video: BP’s Crude Bubbling Out of Ground
Last week, New Orleans’s local Fox affiliate aired video of BP’s crude literally bubbling out…
Lessons from Alaska – Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council
I’m back home in New Orleans now after an enlightening trip. Below is the update…
Lessons from Alaska – Local Citizens Vs The Disappearing Act
We are now in Valdez, AK. Today we met with the Prince Edward Sound Regional…
Feds Get Creative about Amount of Oil in Gulf
Yesterday, NOAA released a report and press release claiming that “the vast majority of oil…
Lessons from Alaska – Fish and Wildlife
Yesterday, we met with scientists and fishermen that study the impacts of the Exxon Valdez…
Federal statistics show BP is not worst offender among oil companies
August 4, 2010Aaron Viles, Campaign Director, Gulf Restoration Network(504) 525 1528 ext. 207, aaron@healthygulf.orgFederal statistics…