Healthy Gulf Blog
More Questions Than Answers for Commission on Dispersants
The question of how the unprecedented amount of chemical dispersants being used to fight BP’s…
BP Drilling Disaster: Trajectory Map for July 13
Sand Berms, Rock Dikes, and Twin Pipeline Canals, Oh My!
Lately, the State of Louisiana, Jefferson Parish, and the Terrebonne Levee District have been proposing…
Kemp’s ridley turtle is species hardest hit by oil disaster
Today the federal agency responsible for monitoring marine species provided for the first time figures…
Update from the Feds
Coast Guard UpdateThe “Source Kill” efforts are continuing. Relief well dd3 is 12521 feet down,…
Tracking BP’s oil near Barataria Bay
Last Gulf Restoration Network staff joined shrimpers Clint Guidry and Glenn J. Poche, Sr., to…
Presidential commission begins hearings in New Orleans
President Obama’s commission on BP’s oil drilling disaster began two days of hearings this morning…
BP Drilling Disaster: Trajectory Map for July 12
BP’s Drilling Disaster: An Anonymous Letter from the Gulf
The letter below just showed up in my in-box. I thought it was a powerful…
BP Drilling Disaster: Trajectory Map for July 9
Federal wildlife officials downplayed the threat Gulf oil drilling posed to brown pelicans
When federal wildlife officials removed the brown pelican from the list of threatened or endangered…