Protect Gulf Wildlife, Not BP

Photo Credit GRN/Matthew PreuschRecently, we began receiving reports of inadequately trained BP contractors crushing bird eggs and disturbing tern nests in coastal areas. These disturbing reports were coming from independent monitors – citizens, journalists, and groups like GRN – who have been out in the impacted areas working to make sure that BP and federal officials do everything possible to clean up this mess.Independent voices are essential for gathering the full knowledge of the disaster’s impacts that is so desperately needed, but BP is working hard to stem the flow of information. Unfortunately, the federal government seems to be taking some pointers from BP’s playbook.Restrictions on air space over the impacted area continue to frustrate efforts to monitor the disaster and new rules limit on-the-ground access to cleanup operations – threatening independent monitors with felony charges and $40,000 penalties. What we need is more transparency, not more rules!Tell the Feds to stop protecting BP, and start protecting Gulf wildlife, click here: is essential that our leaders do everything necessary to protect Gulf communities, and wildlife. As this massive clean-up and recovery effort continues, increased transparency is vital to successfully restoring the Gulf, defending our communities, and making sure this never happens again. Please add your voice to the chorus of independent voices calling for more transparency, and better protection for Gulf wildlife.

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