Nationwide Need for Gulf Restoration

This guest post comes from Erin Greeson, a Gulf defender and GRN supporter, who resides in Oregon.I live in the Pacific Northwest – known for forests, rivers, mountains and coastlines – but my consciousness is closely tied to the Gulf Region. Its people, places, and natural areas are a national treasure trove unlike any other; its spirit of resilience and creativity inspire. I cherish gifts the Gulf Region has given: heavy orange sunsets, wetland birds, air like salve after long winters, locals that greet me like lifelong friends.Like millions, what I’ve seen from afar has equally moved me. Over the years, I’ve watched distant events unfold in the Gulf, from unthinkable floods to explosive oil spills, through a two-dimensional lens that does not capture the reality of natural and human experience. I’ve held newspapers in my hands, and I have wept at surreal-seeming pictures, headlines and cover stories. For during those times, I felt too far away to lend significant help. Countless others undoubtedly shared such feelings. Today, we have an immense opportunity to support a measure that would alleviate past damages and foster a healthy Gulf future.Take action today at to the Gulf Restoration Network, awareness of the RESTORE Act is advancing in Congress and communities. While life loss surrounding tragic events is immeasurable, some environmental and economic impacts are reparable through responsible planning and action. With the help of citizens nationwide, we can transform the RESTORE Act’s restoration potential into a reality.The RESTORE Act is an outstanding example of how good policy can deliver environmental justice and community wellness; it is our nation’s chance to deliver deserved provisions to Gulf Region people, ecosystems and economies at last.National media interest can dissipate with the short attention span of today’s 24-hour news cycle, shifting from one community and its challenges to another entirely. In the case of the Gulf, there is too much at stake for human interest to do the same. I can’t begin to grasp what it was like to lose a home and much more to Katrina, but I look into the eyes of dear friends who can. I’ve never walked a pristine coast spoiled by an oil spill or owned a business that veered into the red due to related brown-black impacts. The impacts of the BP disaster are still very real to my friends in the Gulf. Today, our nation has a chance to make right in one of our cherished regions. But we must all play a role to pass the RESTORE Act.So, whether you live in the Great Plains of the Midwest, the cities of the Eastern Seaboard, the Southwestern sunshine or Northwest woods, please look around at the natural areas, local businesses and people that define your community. Consider why they matter nationally. Now, visualize the Gulf Region and the disaster it is facing. Our regional treasures are diverse in nature but the same in their pricelessness. Consider how one call, one email, one voice – yours – can resound with millions as we together envision and achieve a better Gulf future.Please take a moment to send that email now at

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