Outrageous cartoons, foreign policy differences, oil drilling flip-flops, the fight forthe White House is really underway. With Louisiana’s Governor Bobby Jindal in the running for the McCain veepstakes the Republican contender seems to spend a lot of time in Louisiana, but it is time that we put the issue of the Gulf Coast environment and recovery front and center in this race.In the almost three years since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast we’ve seen significant steps from federal leaders towards a more sustainable coast and safer communities, but these efforts will need substantial resources, funding, and time to succeed.Now is the time to make sure that the future president of the United States commits to the Gulf States. Help us ask the candidates to commit to: tackling the Dead Zone, a hurricane recovery that includes safe and sustainable communities and rebuilt coastal lines of defense, and spotlighting their plans for recovery at the Google/YouTube debate in New Orleans.Head here to sound the call for the coast and send that message to the candidates:http://action.healthygulf.org/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=24937The Google/YouTube event should be a fantastic opportunity to see our coastal issues put on display – but we need the two candidates to commit to the event now. Thanks for helping make that happen.For our coast and communities,Aaron VilesCampaign Director