Raleigh Hoke

Exclusive New Photos of Taylor Oil Leak

Exclusive New Photos of Taylor Oil Leak

Yesterday, Gulf Restoration Network and Southwings flew over coastal Louisiana, documenting the continuing Taylor oil leak 12 miles off the coast of Louisiana and various coastal restoration sites. The Taylor energy site has been leaking since Hurricane Ivan toppled the offshore platform in 2004. The sheen from Taylor extended over an area of about 5 …

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Hold oil & gas accountable!

The oil and gas industry is responsible for significant damage to Louisiana’s coast and wetlands. Damage from industry exploration and production has caused ongoing extreme wetland loss in Louisiana, toxic oil disasters and, of course, more frequent storms and sea level rise. Gulf Restoration Network is standing with our partners at Louisiana Environmental Action Network …

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Tell Gov. Edwards to stand up for Coast, Not Coal!

Last week, Governor Edwards signed an Executive Order to affirm his commitment to implement Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan. This is great news for our coast and our communities, and now we need Governor Edwards to act.For years, coastal communities from Gretna to Ironton have been fighting an out-of-state coal company that is trying to build …

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Let’s Talk About Flood Risk

Elevated home to help protect against flooding. Photo courtesy of Louisiana Sea Grant College Program Louisiana State University.Hurricanes Katrina and Rita taught many of us just how important protecting our communities from flooding is to our safety – not just during a storm, but every day. Over the next month, Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration …

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Outdoor Play in New Orleans City Park, “Yellow Eyed Creatures”

Gulf Restoration Network is proud to partner with the regional premiere of “Yellow Eyed Creatures,” a theatre production which will be staged outdoors in New Orleans City Park in November. A modern retelling of the Genesis myth set in the swamps of Louisiana, “Yellow Eyed Creatures” unearths a new interpretation of humanity’s bond with nature …

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New Faces and New Roles

Just as the seasons are changing here in the Gulf coast (albeit slowly), GRN’s staff is also undergoing some changes. A few long-time team members are moving on to fresh adventures, current staff are taking on new roles and brand new folks are joining the fight for a healthy Gulf. Last month, we were sad …

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Save Our Southern Forests

Deep in the swamplands of the Southeast, a mother black bear accompanies her year-old cubs to dig up dinner out of a hollow bald cypress. This beautiful creature and her family rely on the bottomland hardwood forests for sustenance and survival.But while the black bear calls these Southeastern bottomland hardwood forests home, the biomass industry …

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