
House Oceans Subcommittee Hears GRN on BP’s Drilling Disaster Impacts

Last Thursday I had the honor of offering testimony to the House Natural Resources Committee’s Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans, and Wildlife. You can watch the whole hearing here. I spoke on a panel with fellow Gulf Coast Fund advisor, Brenda Dardar of the United Houma Nation (read her powerful testimony about the impacts to …

House Oceans Subcommittee Hears GRN on BP’s Drilling Disaster Impacts Read More »

Bird’s-Eye View: Latest Footage BP Doesn’t Want You To See

Last I took another flyover the site of where the Horizon went down, or the “source” , as well as the Louisiana coast from South Pass to Grand Isle. I invited marine conservation biologist, Rick Steiner, on the flight with me to provide GRN with his expert analysis. Dr. Steiner has been working closely with …

Bird’s-Eye View: Latest Footage BP Doesn’t Want You To See Read More »

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