
Press Release: Gulf Conservationists Challenge Phony BP Oil Disaster Cleanup Plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: David Guest, Earthjustice, (850) 681-0031, ext. 103Cynthia Sarthou, Gulf Restoration Network, (504) 525-1528 ext. 202Kristina Johnson, Sierra Club, (415) 977-5619 BP said it could clean up 20 million gallons of spilled oil a dayNew Orleans, LA — Earthjustice filed suit today in federal court against the U.S. Minerals Management Service challenging the …

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House of a 1,000 Gator Pops

Come check out the House of a 1,000 Gator Pops this weekend to support Artspot and Mondo Bizarro’s Loup Garou summer tour, with Gulf Restoration Network. This summer, we’ll be continuing our partnership with the critically acclaimed Loup Garou production to spread the word about restoring and protecting Louisiana’s coast and communities to folks from …

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Oil and the Dead Zone

As we all know, the BP Oil Drilling Disaster has happened at a particularly destructive time: Blue-fin Tuna are spawning in the area, dolphins are giving birth to their pup, Sperm Whales feed in the area, shore birds are nesting, etc., etc. Well, let’s add another man-made ecological disaster to layer upon the BP disaster: …

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Heartrending Photos of Oiled Birds

Click on the photo below to view a heartrending collection of photos of oiled seabirds courtesy of AP photographer Charlie Riedel. A bird is mired in oil on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

GRN Summer Outreach Office Marks Opening of Storm Season

We’re now three days into storm season and our coastal lines of defense are under attack like they never have been before. Not only is Louisiana still losing a football field of coastal wetlands every 45 minutes, but now the Gulf’s valuable natural storm defenses are being slimed. As Gulf Restoration Network independently monitors BP …

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