Critical Vote this Thursday on Big Oil Bailout

We are just days away from the start of hurricane season, and hundreds of thousands of Louisianians still have inadequate protection from storm surges and flooding. The state’s Coastal Master Plan is a bold strategy to restore our coastal lines of defense, but taxpayers alone cannot afford the $50 billion price tag.The oil and gas industry, which is responsible for at least 400-600 square miles of coastal land loss, needs to pay for a share of restoration and protection. If you are a Louisiana resident, call your legislator today to say that Big Oil must help restore our coastal lines of defense.Last summer, the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East filed a lawsuit demanding that oil and gas companies take responsibility for the damage they have done, but Big Oil’s allies in Baton Rouge are now working to derail that lawsuit.The 2014 Legislative session ends on June 2nd, and the Louisiana House of Representatives is expected to vote on SB 469 – the Big Oil Bailout bill – any day now. Please take a moment to tell your legislator not to bailout big oil at the expense of Louisiana’s taxpayers.Steve Murchie is GRN’s Campaign Director.

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