Is Congress Finally Ready to RESTORE the Gulf?

Eighteen months ago, BP’s Macondo well erupted, spewing over 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. We continue to experience impacts from the disaster today. The oil is still washing on shore and the environmental impacts are still being revealed -the BP oil disaster is not over.We’ve seen record numbers of dolphin mortality – nearly 500 since the disaster, low numbers of whale sharks returning to the Gulf, and deformities on the gills of the Gulf killifish – an abundant bait fish and an important food source for many marine species.Fortunately,we have an unprecedented opportunity to fund the recovery of the Gulf coast using BP’s Clean Water Act fines- the RESTORE Act aims to direct 80% of these fines towards ecosystem restoration. There are currently two versions of the bill, in the House and Senate, which aim to bring BP’s money down to the Gulf.Urge your lawmakers to support this legislation. Congress does not act now, these fines (between 5-20 billion dollars) will end up in the black hole of the Federal Treasury.It’s only fair that BP’s money be used to clean up the mess they created.Tell Congress to support the RESTORE Act today.Aaron Viles is GRN’s Deputy Director. Follow him on twitter here @GulfAaron

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