LA’s Dead Zone (In)Action Plan

Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution is still a major problem throughout the area that drains into the Mississippi River and the Gulf – causing harmful algae blooms, fish kills, and the Dead Zone. In order to combat this pollution, the Mississippi River states all agreed to develop “Reduction Plans.” Unfortunately, Louisiana’s officials have drafted a long document that doesn’t say much new, and does even less to reduce Dead Zone-causing pollution. Click below to tell state officials to come up with a real plan to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution: state’s so-called “plan” has little information about how to implement new reductions, and ignores some of EPA’s recommendations. Plus, it doesn’t include science-based numeric goals and timelines for reducing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. If we don’t even have specific goals for reducing the pollution, how do we measure if efforts are effective?Every summer, a massive Dead Zone where little sea life can survive due to low oxygen levels forms in the Gulf, and voluntary measures to deal with Dead Zone-causing pollution have done little to reduce it.While Louisiana doesn’t contribute the most Dead Zone-causing pollution, it certainly suffers from it, which is why the state must lead by example. Our leaders can’t just keep ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away.Please take a moment to let Louisiana know that they haven’t produced an adequate plan and urge the state to revise it to include numeric reduction goals.Matt Rota is GRN’s Senior Policy Director.

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