Oil Is Still Here, So Are We

Help Restore Our GulfPhoto Matt Preusch/GRNDonate online:healthygulf.org/gift2010In 2010, the largest oil disaster in our nation’s history hit America’s Gulf coast when BP’s drilling rig exploded and the well spewed over 172 million gallons of oil into our waters. The disaster has taken a toll on our coast and the impacts will be felt by real people for decades.Donate now to restore our Gulf and our communities that depend on its waters!Since the start of this disaster, Gulf Restoration Network (GRN) has been hard at work monitoring the oil, its impacts and the results of clean-up attempts logging more than 60 trips into the Gulf this year alone! The media, the U.S. government and BP would like to cheer, but the mission is not even close to accomplished. There are still tens of millions of gallons of oil in the Gulf and much more dispersed oil and chemical dispersant below the surface.The Gulf’s people and places need lasting and continued support to get back on their feet. Your donation will help GRN continue our call on Congress to ensure that at least 80% of the fines levied against BP are used for restoring the Gulf. In addition, Congress must create a local advisory council to ensure that affected communities are formally involved in the oversight of future drilling decisions and oil industry actions.Your donation today will allow us to continue the fight for the Gulf’s people and wildlife. Before the New Year, our goal is to raise $10,000 from supporters like you, to dedicate to our efforts to call on Congress to make healthy decisions for the Gulf.Also, please tell a friend about this campaign and help us continue the fight for a healthy gulf. And, this holiday season, you can make a donation in honor of your friends and family (of at least $50), and they will receive a ready-to-frame print of a Gulf cypress forest and GRN canvas bag.I hope we can count on your support!

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