Pick Up the Phone for the Gulf – BP Can Afford it

Despite continuing to deal with the worst off-shore oil drilling disaster in U.S. history, BP made nearly $24 billion dollars in profit last year. Meanwhile, the rumors of a settlement between BP and the federal government continue to swirl, with BP CEO Bob Dudley quoted as demanding a “fair and reasonable price.”That might not rank as high as Tony Hayward’s “I’d like my life back” or BP’s other greatest hits (to the Gulf), but given that BP’s oil is still washing up on our beaches, that Gulf fishermen are still being affected, and that BP is on the hook for somewhere between $5 – $21 billion in Clean Water Act fines alone, I’ll bet that BP’s idea of ‘fair and reasonable’ might be different than ours.Help us make sure any settlement is indeed fair and reasonable for the Gulf. Please take 5 minutes to make a phone call to President Obama and then share this action with your friends and family.Call 202-456-1111 and ask to speak with President Barack Obama. They should direct you to his office to leave a message with the operator or secretary. Then you can use the talking points below. If it’s busy, or you only have 30 seconds, you can take action online right here.Hello, my name is _______________ and I’m calling to leave a comment for President Obama about a potential settlement with BP. First I want to thank you for your leadership in working to hold BP accountable for the historic oil disaster in April of 2010. I ask you to please consider including the following when dealing with settlement negotiations with BP:1. Insure there are sufficient resources for long-term science and monitoring of the Gulf;2. Include a reopener clause in the settlement in the event that unanticipated damages arise as a result of the BP disaster3. Establish and fund a Gulf Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council to increase public engagement with ongoing oil activities in the Gulf; and 4. Provide financial resources for enhancement restoration which match BP’s possible Clean Water Act fines of $21 billion.Please include these points in any settlement reached with BP. Thank you.Once you’ve made your phone call please share this action with your friends via Facebook or twitter! Aaron is GRN’s Deputy Director. You can follow him on twitter here.

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