Biden Releases Draft 5-Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program

For Immediate Release: June 30, 2022 

Press Contacts: Dustin Renaud  228-209-2194

Biden Releases Draft Five Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program
The Plan Includes “No More Than 10” New Oil Lease Sales in the Gulf of Mexico

NEW ORLEANS– Today, the Biden Administration’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has released a draft 5 Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program that includes 2 new lease sales per year in the Gulf of Mexico over the next five years. Acreage on the Outer Continental Shelf slated for leasing under BOEM’s new plan has the potential to be utilized for oil and gas drilling until the resource is completely depleted. Today kicks off a 90 day comment period during which citizens are encouraged to provide feedback on the draft plan that will ultimately inform the final 5 Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program. BOEM will offer zero in-person public hearing along the Gulf Coast on this plan, but there will be online digital hearings for public comment.

Healthy Gulf’s executive director Cynthia Sarthou offers the following statement: 

“Today’s news is a huge loss for Gulf residents, American energy policy, and the global climate. While we are disappointed with this news, this draft of the 5 Year Oil and Gas Leasing Plan is not the final word. President Biden still has an opportunity, as well as an obligation, to keep his promise and stop new oil and gas leasing in the Gulf. Our coastal communities cannot continue to be sacrificed for oil and gas industry profits. It’s time to end our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to clean energy.”

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