This World Oceans Week: Say No to Industrial Fish Farms

Join us in marking World Oceans Week by telling the Trump administration to protect our water, marine life and coastal communities.

Trump recently signed an executive order that paves the way for the rapid development of offshore industrial fish farms in the Gulf and elsewhere. This is a recipe for an environmental disaster.

Industrial ocean fish farms contain hundreds of thousands of farmed fish that can spill into the surrounding ocean. They pollute the water with heavy metals, chemicals, agricultural drugs, pesticides, untreated fish waste, and excess feed.

Instead of cracking down on this harmful industry, the Trump Administration has poured resources into supporting floating factory farms. Now, Trump himself has mandated fast tracked permitting in federal waters – without proper environmental reviews.

In this time of crisis, we should be supporting the small boat commercial fishermen that are the backbone of many coastal communities, not providing a handout to big industrial aquaculture companies at the expense of healthy Gulf waters and economies.

Send a loud, clear message: tell the Trump administration to put oceans and coastal communities over corporate profits!

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