Does a Bear need the Woods? (audio post)

Audio Post: Paul Davidson, Executive Director of the Black Bear Conservation Coalition Paul Davidson, Executive Director of the Black Bear Conservation Coalition tells the story of his struggle to keep the LA Black Bear from going extinct, and the limitations of the ability of the Endangered Species Act to keep the Bear from going from WTUL News and Viewsaudio:MP3 at 16.4 mebibytesPaul Davidson, Executive Director of the Black Bear Conservation CoalitionThe Louisiana Black Bear: No More Protection Needed? Louisiana black bear was first brought into the national spotlight by the well-publicized display of sportsmanship by Teddy Roosevelt. Currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, the Louisiana black bear is again making the news as some proclaim it has recovered sufficiently to be delisted, and even hunted.recorded during the Tulane Environmental Law Summit 2013photo by USDAgov on flickr for la black bear.

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