Healthy Gulf

The Weeks Bay Principles for Gulf Recovery

On October 4-6, 2010, ninety-five people representing forty six community, local, regional, national and international environmental, social justice, and fishermen’s groups met at the Beckwith Camp and Conference Center on Weeks Bay, Alabama. Together, we drafted the following set of goals and principles that we believe must guide the recovery and restoration of the Gulf …

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Update on Kemper Coal

As many readers might be aware, the Kemper County coal project is an expensive, destructive and unnecessary, proposal to construct a new coal-fired power plant, and massive lignite coal mine in central Mississippi just north of Meridian. The plant and associated mine will impact over 3,000 acres of wetlands and disturb over 40 miles of …

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Where Oh Where Is the Oil?

Last I attended a meeting in Biloxi, Mississippi that was billed as one of three forums between federal officials and the academic community to discuss the Unified Command’s draft proposal for monitoring and sampling oil and dispersant beneath the Gulf’s surface. As dueling reports from the government and independent scientist fly back and forth about …

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Lessons from Alaska – Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council

I’m back home in New Orleans now after an enlightening trip. Below is the update I wrote on Friday but was unable to post until now.——————————–I have left Valdez on my way home. Today, before my departure, we spent time talking to the staff of the Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council about their work. Their ability …

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Lessons from Alaska – Local Citizens Vs The Disappearing Act

We are now in Valdez, AK. Today we met with the Prince Edward Sound Regional Citizen Advisory Board (RCAC).During our meeting the leaders of the RCAC made clear that if the citziens of the Gulf want to obtain better safeguards and better oversight, we had better move forward quickly. They warned us that the disaster …

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