Scott Eustis

Don’t Frack Our Wetlands

Why frack in our cleanest waters and wetlands? Helis Oil and Gas and Ed Poitevent, a private landowner, want to make a buck off of St. Tammany Parish, and they are endangering our waterways, economy and health in the process.The law is clear: Helis must avoid destroying wetlands when they can. But they’re planning to …

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One Thousand Square Miles

RE: “Poll: Most Louisianians see climate change as serious problem” And Louisiana’s best science agrees with them. The 2012 Master Plan is head-and-shoulders the best science and engineering effort to keep Louisiana afloat, and perhaps one of the more honest climate adaption strategies around the world. And that plan outlines what is at stake: from …

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WATCH–Coal Terminals don’t need a hurricane to foul the river

“We have never had coal runoff get in the river from a hurricane. We have had a little get off their facilities, but not into the river, and they have always cleaned it up well” –Billy NungesserUnited Bulk hasn’t needed a hurricane to pollute our river.Each time we pass the United Bulk Facility, we find …

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