
Louisiana Declines to Immediately Penalize BP for Drilling Disaster

According to public records, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) has backed off initial threats to assess penalties for BP’s violations of state law “until ongoing investigations of the oil spill are completed.” This decision was reached at a June 8th meeting attended by eight BP representatives and 8 representatives from LDEQ.This meeting was …

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Wave Maker’s News: BP’s Oil Drilling Disaster

The newest edition of Wave Maker’s News, GRN’s quarterly update on the pressing issues facing the health and quality of the Gulf region’s waters and wetlands, has just been released. GRN’s Healthy Waters team is continuing our efforts to protect the rivers, streams, wetlands and coastal waters of the Gulf region. Since oil began spewing …

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Sea Turtles – very bad news from the BP drilling disaster

(Carolyn Cole/LA Times/June 14, 2010) – Blair Witherington, a research scientist with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, helps the rescue effort.Two very disturbing reports about the BP drilling disaster’s affects on Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles were published recently1. The offshore oil slick and Gulf of Mexico currents mix to create a deadly combination.”Young …

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