Louisiana: Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to the Dead Zone

Regretfully, Louisiana is attempting to take a huge step backwards away from cleaning up the Gulf Dead Zone. The Dead Zone, an area in the Gulf of Mexico where oxygen levels get so low that sea life must swim away or suffocate, has long been an acknowledged hazard to the coastal waters of Louisiana. Despite strong, historical evidence that the Dead Zone impacts state waters, the Louisiana Department of Environmental has elected to deny its threat in many areas.Let’stell Louisiana that this denial is unacceptable.Despite decades of research from distinguished groups and organizations that clearly shows that the Dead Zone negatively impacts state waters, Louisiana has failed to list several areas impacted by the Dead Zone in the state’s release of this year’s “Impaired Waters List” that is mandated by the Clean Water Act. This de-listing comes as a surprise since the Environmental Protection Agency required that Louisiana’s coastal waters be included on the list for their low dissolved oxygen impairment since 2008.The first step in recovery is you admitting that you have a problem. Apparently Louisiana is still in denial.Please take a moment tosend Louisiana a message: The Dead Zone is harming our coast. Put it back on the list of waters that Louisiana must clean up!https://secure3.convio.net/grn/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=347

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