Healthy Gulf Blog
Florida legislature fails on water quality
State of Our Coast Conference 2019 Biloxi, Ms.
10 Reasons to Give on GiveNOLA Day!
Today is GiveNOLA Day! Because of individual members and supporters like you, Healthy Gulf (formerly…
Drilling Safety Rules Rolled Back
The federal agency charged with ensuring the protection of worker safety and the environment by…
BP Disaster: 9 years later. Have we learned our lesson?
Today marks 9 years since BP’s Deepwater Horizon platform exploded, killing 11 people and leading…
Modeling for Oysters and Rivers: Presentations at Mississippi Water Resources Conference April 3-4.
Research engineers from Mississippi State University are developing a hydrodynamic and water quality model for…
Oyster Projects in Mississippi funded by GOMESA leasing revenue
In mid-March, Mississippi’s Department of Marine Resources and Governor announced two new oyster projects that…
Divided we fall
An edited version of this article originally appeared on the blog of the Marine Fish…
Florida legislators begin to address algae and water crisis
Florida is still reeling from a disastrous 2018 in which south Florida waterways suffered a…
What Does the Proposed “Dirty Water Rule” Mean for the Gulf’s Resources?
The following is a blog written by Emily N. Donahoe, Legal Intern, from George Washington…
Costs and Truth Stretching in the “One Lake” DEIS
Last summer the Rankin Hinds Pearl River Flood Control and Drainage District published its Draft…
What is the Dirty Water Rule, and Why Does it Matter?
The following is a blog written by Emily N. Donahoe, Legal Intern, from George Washington…