Healthy Gulf Blog
Silver linings in the age of Covid 19
As I sit on the front porch of my little bungalow in Pensacola,FL, we are…
Oyster spawning reefs and Oyster Gardening featured in NRDA Plan 2 for Mississippi
NRDA Restoration Plan 2 for Mississippi has been published for comment by the Mississippi Trustee…
Oil & Gas in the Gulf of Mexico 2020
Read the full report here: has been 10 years since the BP Drilling Disaster…
One Lake Sponsors Play Hide and Seek with Project Costs and Benefits
Economic justification for the One Lake project will be tough to examine if Corps agency…
Standing together for a healthy Gulf
In these trying times, we’re thinking about all the Gulf residents and people around the…
Disappointments and small wins: the 2020 FL Legislature
This was the year. The one in which the Florida legislature was going to get…
Pearl River One Lake Sponsors Keep Information Tight as Final Project Review Begins
A recently released document from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service goes into detail about…
Florida residents say no to offshore fish farm
Two weeks ago, I attended a very spirited and well-attended demonstration and public hearing on…
Across the Gulf, oysters are in trouble
[UPDATED] This original blog was posted in June 2019 before the collapse of Gulf oysters…
How about the gift of clean water?
The holidays are upon us, and I’m asking the Florida Legislature to give a gift…
Protecting the Sponge: Community meetings on Floodplain Resilience in the Pontchartrain Basin
The last of three Floodplain Resilience presentations was given in Madisonville, La. to engage citizens…
Gulf Sturgeon, Ringed Sawback turtles and two kinds of Jeopardy
A blog article on USM’s “Sturgeon in the Watershed” curriculum, presented at MDEQ’s Restoration Summit…