Protect Clean Water

Fertilized To Death

Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution devastates Gulf communities—from mining, to production, to application, to the Gulf Dead Zone and toxic algae blooms.


Land Loss Lookout is a citizen science project, in collaboration with SciStarter, so everyone’s work contributes to our in-depth understanding of the issue of coastal land loss. By looking out for our land, not only will observers gain valuable knowledge about wetlands and coastal land loss, but you’ll get to see some cool places in the Gulf, from a bird’s eye view!

Offshore Drilling

The Gulf is home to the majority of offshore drilling in the United States. Where there is drilling, there is spilling. It’s time to clean up the mess the industry has created.

river, river landscape, landscape

One River, No Lake

communities across the nation are beginning to take down old dams, but the state of Mississippi is doing the opposite – it wants to impound the Pearl River.

Toxic Algae

Toxic algae outbreaks continue to plague waters across the Gulf. Learn why and what you can do to help.

Deep Sea Corals

The Gulf has a vast network of deep-sea corals. We need your help to protect them.

Louisiana Coast

Wetlands Protect Louisiana Communities:
One acre of wetlands can hold up to 1 million gallons of stormwater during a flood. Hurricane storm surges are reduced by one foot for every 2.7 miles of wetlands.

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