Protect the Bogue Chitto

Help stop Paradise Ranch R/V Resort’s permit application to pollute the beautiful Bogue Chitto River with up to 75,000 GALLONS PER DAY of treated human waste and other contaminants! Take action here.

Paradise Ranch has submitted a permit application to the MS Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to build a wastewater treatment plant that will empty into the river section where we all swim, canoe, tube and fish. Children learn to appreciate nature on the Bogue Chitto. We owe them a cleaner river, and this discharge permit is a threat.

The application is under review and MDEQ has a public comment time period prior to making a decision in early July. Let MDEQ and other decision makers know you are opposed to this permit being approved by clicking here.

The Bogue Chitto already has fecal coliform pollution issues and there are significant concerns about how adequately the waste from this R/V park will be diluted during the summer when river flows are lowest and recreational use of the river is highest. Plus, will this campground properly respond to breakdowns and mechanical problems in their mechanical treatment plant and report responsibly to the MDEQ about treatment results?

MDEQ’s Permit Board members need to hear from residents and river users who oppose this permit because it would send treated human waste directly into one of the best sections of the Bogue Chitto, flowing past popular beaches, camps and homes along the river downstream of Walker’s Bridge. Take action now and thanks for all you do!

For our waters,

Andrew Whitehurst
Water Program Director, Healthy Gulf

Jerry Moore
Bogue Chitto River camp owner,
True Friends of Bogue Chitto

Bobby Mcginnis
Bogue Chitto River camp owner,
Friends of Bogue Chitto

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