Urgent Action on Bayou Bridge Pipeline

Update: Great news! Rep. Richmond responded to all of your calls and emails by sending the Corps a letter asking for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Bayou Bridge pipeline. You can thank him for sending the letter here.

The Bayou Bridge pipeline, which is one of the largest pipelines ever proposed in Louisiana, would snake through 11 parishes, destroy flood-buffering wetlands, risk drinking water sources for hundreds of thousands of people, and impact historic African-American communities that are already bearing the burden of decades of pollution and industrial development.

You have led the resistance against Bayou Bridge at public hearings, events and through thousands of letters and phone calls. We need to keep up the fight!

If you live in Representative Cedric Richmond’s district, take action to tell him to not let the Army Corps rubberstamp Bayou Bridge.

The state of Louisiana recently issued Bayou Bridge’s coastal use permit, but we’re still waiting for the Army Corps to weigh-in on a permit to destroy hundreds of acres of wetlands. Although we would love to see that permit denied, we’re also pushing the Army Corps to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that fully takes into account how this pipeline will harm people, wildlife and wetlands.

As a member of Congress, Rep. Richmond has significant influence over the Corps. The Army Corps will release its decision any day now, and we’ve heard Rep. Richmond is meeting with them next week. Can you help us get 300 messages to Richmond office before then? If you live in his district, take action now!

The fight against Bayou Bridge isn’t just about a pipeline, it’s about protecting our home, our water and our families. Join us by taking action.

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