Aaron Viles

Five Years After Katrina, and Still No Coast Rescue Plan in Place

This week, the New York Times green blog covered the Gulf restoration planning process, announced by President Obama in his June 15th Oval office address, and headed up by Navy Secretary (and former MS Gov) Ray Mabus. GRN has met with Secretary Mabus a couple of times on this effort, and we’re urging our supporters …

Five Years After Katrina, and Still No Coast Rescue Plan in Place Read More »

Dear New Orleans: A Musical Love Letter to Our City

To mark the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina — and in response to the BP Oil Drilling Disaster also deeply affecting the region, our friends at Air Traffic Control (a nonprofit resource for activist and philanthropic musicians) have produced Dear New Orleans, a digital music benefit compilation for the people of the Gulf. Dear New …

Dear New Orleans: A Musical Love Letter to Our City Read More »

USF Researchers Continue to Follow BP’s Crude, Subsea Impacts

CNN’s Ed Lavendara continues his solid reporting on the environmental considerations of the BP drilling disaster, this time catching up with USF researchers, just back from cruise to chart oil and dispersant. Unfortunately, they’re finding the oil far from the source, on the seafloor east of the well.

26% Doesn’t SEEM That Bad: Breaking Down the BP Disaster Numbers

The nation needs to remain concerned about the bp drillling disaster. There seems to be an interest by BP and the federal government to hang up a ‘mission accomplished’ banner and move on. Unfortunately, there’s far more still to do: Even if you believe the optimistic government oil budget that says only 26% of the …

26% Doesn’t SEEM That Bad: Breaking Down the BP Disaster Numbers Read More »

Federal statistics show BP is not worst offender among oil companies

August 4, 2010Aaron Viles, Campaign Director, Gulf Restoration Network(504) 525 1528 ext. 207, aaron@healthygulf.orgFederal statistics show BP is not worst offender among oil companiesAs the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEM”) hosts a fact-finding forum in New Orleans, research has come out showing that the company responsible for the oil disaster in …

Federal statistics show BP is not worst offender among oil companies Read More »

Use YouTube to Question BP NOW

We use YouTube to question BP (or at least their mistakes, actions, and PR) with our ongoing series Gulf Tides, now you can use YouTube to ask them questions directly yourself!Tomorrow, YouTube is teaming up with PBS NewsHour for an exclusive interview with Bob Dudley, President and CEO of BP’s Gulf Coast Restoration Organization. In …

Use YouTube to Question BP NOW Read More »

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