
Studies Provide Timely Warnings: Hold BP Accountable

While most of our recent conversation about BP’s deepwater drilling disaster has been focused on the RESTORE Act, and successful efforts to legislatively direct the eventual Clean Water Act fines to Gulf ecosystem and economic restoration, new scientific studies are an important reminder that BP’s crude and corexit continue to have untold impacts on our …

Studies Provide Timely Warnings: Hold BP Accountable Read More »

Don’t Be in the Vee: how levees and features channel surge

Public Service Announcement: when it comes to storm surge in south Louisiana, don’t Be in the Vee. And don’t let the Corps put you into one. Louisiana is still shaking from Isaac’s slow hit, and once again, coastal communities have been moved, coastal communities have lost everything, and coastal communities have been coated in industrial …

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Gulfport Port Expansion Facing Questions

The blue areas are those proposed for expansion. Graphic courtesy of the USACE.For years, community leaders and organizations in the Gulfport area have been fighting to make sure a proposed expansion of the Gulfport Port, and associated projects like a connector road do not harm communities and the surrounding environment. Among other things, they’ve questioned …

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Catching Sand is the Plan

Let’s not catch coal. Although skeptics remain, and there is still much to learn, Louisiana scientists have made great strides in learning how to put the Mississippi River back into its role as a land-builder. And although the Flood of 2011 was a missed opportunity, there have been some lessons learned. Sand is Land. A …

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Wave Maker’s News: Unbridled Fracking in Mississippi

This article is excerpted from Wave Maker’s News, our quarterly update on all things water in the Gulf of Mexico, check out the full newsletter here. Shale rock natural gas drilling rig in Pennsylvania. Photo courtesy of Ruhrfisch.In a May presentation, Jamie Crawford of the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) revealed that oil and …

Wave Maker’s News: Unbridled Fracking in Mississippi Read More »

Shark Season in the Gulf

It’s summer, and the second summer since BP changed the Gulf of Mexico forever. From the deep microbes to the highest mammals, nothing is the same. Something of our home is bouncing back but we know it will take time to reveal what we’ve lost.Among our worries is the population of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus, …

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The Farm Bill: Here and Now (part 2 of 3)

The 2012 Farm Bill is approaching Judgment Day in the House: Today, a draft is being discussed and “marked up.” It has already gone through a number of revisions, but state governments and agricultural groups are clammering for last-minute revisions.Farming in the Prairie Pothole region-Courtesy of USDA-NRCSWhile the Senate had some excellent items included, we …

The Farm Bill: Here and Now (part 2 of 3) Read More »

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