
Gulf Restoration Network Response Statement to Oil Spill Commission Final Report and Recommendations

We commend the diverse group of experts on the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling for their diligent and deliberative investigation into the BP drilling disaster, and we thank them for their commitment to learning the lessons of this environmental and human tragedy while advancing our nation’s efforts for …

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Wave Maker’s News: Threat to the Pearl River Averted, for Now

This article is excerpted from Wave Maker’s News, our quarterly update on all things water in the Gulf of Mexico, check out the full newsletter here. A fishing camp in the Honey Island Swamp, which relies on sediments and water from the Pearl.Photo courtesy of Angela McBrideThe Pearl River, which begins in central Mississippi northeast …

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Crashing the Kemper Coal Groundbreaking

Photo from WCBI’s Coverage of GroundbreakingLast month, Mississippi Power’s groundbreaking ceremony for the proposed dirty Kemper coal plant included the addition of an airplane banner, reading “Dirty Expensive Unnecessary,” sponsored by Gulf Restoration Network and our partners at the Sierra Club. We wanted to send the message that, despite the groundbreaking ceremony, Mississippi Power still …

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Wave Maker’s News: Threat to Pearl River Averted, for Now

It’s been a busy fall for GRN’s Healthy Waters team as we continue our efforts to protect the rivers, streams, wetlands, and coastal waters of the Gulf region. In this edition of Wave Maker’s News, GRN’s quarterly Healthy Waters update, you can read about restoration efforts in the wake of the BP drilling disaster, a …

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Holiday Struggles for Gulf Coast Communities Impacted by BP Disaster

Gulf Coast Families “Are Being Torn Apart” This Holiday SeasonCommunities still recovering from economic impacts of BP oil drilling disasterGulf Coast residents, small business owners and advocates spoke yesterday about how families and community businesses in the Gulf Coast region are still reeling from the environmental and economic impacts of the largest oil catastrophe in …

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Oil Is Still Here, So Are We

Help Restore Our GulfPhoto Matt Preusch/GRNDonate 2010, the largest oil disaster in our nation’s history hit America’s Gulf coast when BP’s drilling rig exploded and the well spewed over 172 million gallons of oil into our waters. The disaster has taken a toll on our coast and the impacts will be felt by real …

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To Eat or Not To Eat?

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?” – Shakespeare There is a substantial dilemma unfolding on the coast: should we eat Gulf seafood to support our fishermen and ignore nagging concerns about its safety or avoid …

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Gifts for the Gulf

This holiday season, make a statement about your support of the Gulf by giving great gifts from businesses donating a portion of sales to GRN–their donations will help us to continue our work. Check out the New Orleans-based company, Dirty Coast, whose Sportsman’s Paradise Lost t-shirt benefits the GRN. A collaborative of glassblowers has created …

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Oil Spill Commission Discusses Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council!

The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling concluded its final public meeting today, in which staff made recommendations for items to include in the final report in January.The meeting covered a lot of ground over the last two days, but our ears certainly perked up when we heard Fran …

Oil Spill Commission Discusses Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council! Read More »

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