In 2016, the EPA formally acknowledged what communities long suspected: that ethylene oxide is a cancer causing chemical. Right now the EPA is developing agency rules around ethylene oxide and other miscellaneous organic chemicals. Healthy Gulf has requested the public be provided a virtual hearing with Spanish & Vietnamese translation available throughout the event.
Please share, and click here to register for the hearing
Deadline to register: Wednesday, Feb 16th Date of hearing: Tuesday, Feb 22nd – 10AM to 6PM CST
Texas and Louisiana have some of the top ethylene oxide emitting facilities in the country. After decades of environmental justice organizing, EPA is finally taking strong action to protect communities following their Journey to Justice tour. Now is the time to celebrate these victories while we hold their feet to the fire, and organize to give EPA the public support they need to keep doing their job in a rapidly changing political environment.
Language access:
- Request Spanish or Vietnamese translation by emailing SPPDpublichearing@epa.gov
- Solicite traducción al español por correo electrónico a SPPDpublichearing@epa.gov
- Yêu cầu bản dịch tiếng Việt qua email tới SPPDpublichearing@epa.gov
More info: The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality said in an industry-backed 2019 study that EPA’s 2016 risk-value for ethylene oxide is way too strict. These findings were used by corporations like Formosa Plastics Group to justify projected emissions in their permit applications for the St James Parish, LA facility. Now the EPA is formally rejecting the TCEQ findings and re-affirming the agency’s original, more protective risk-value.
EPA rule summary on miscellaneous organic chemical manufacturing: national emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants