
Protect the Pearl River

Imagine for a moment that your county officials wanted to spend your tax dollars on a project that would destroy important wetlands, and harm Mississippi’s vital recreational and commercial fishing industry, even as these same officials were slashing budgets for schools, police officers and libraries. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, does it? Unfortunately, …

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White House Restoration Roadmap Released – Groups Cheer

Big coastal news! The White House has released the initial results of the Louisiana-Mississippi Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Working Group, and we are terribly pleased to see a strategic approach, focused on: 1. Work with Federal and State Partners to Articulate a Shared Long-Term Vision, 2. Promoting Science-based Decisions, and perhaps most important, 3. Resolve …

White House Restoration Roadmap Released – Groups Cheer Read More »

Citizens say NO to Kemper Coal

Last week, the Mississippi Public Service Commission met to discuss the cost and benefits of building a massive, dirty and expensive new lignite coal power plant and mine in Kemper County. For months, concerned citizens and groups – like the Mississippi Sierra Club, Mississippi for Affordable Energy, and, of course, GRN – have been speaking …

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Help Defend the Wetlands that Defend NOLA and Saint Bernard Parish

Last week, several of our supporters came out to a hearing in New Orleans to show their support in stopping the construction of an industrial park that would destroy 57 acres of wetlands along the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO). Now, the City of New Orleans is coming close in deciding whether or not to …

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Stop Mississippi Power’s Plans for Coal Mine and Power Plant

Mississippi Power is moving forward with plans to build a dirty, unnecessary, and expensive coal plant in Kemper County, Mississippi, and they want ratepayers to foot the bill! The plant and associated mine will impact approximately 6,000 acres of wetlands and disturb over 40 miles of rivers, streams and creeks – all at an enormous …

Stop Mississippi Power’s Plans for Coal Mine and Power Plant Read More »

FASCINATING GULF VIDEO: Corals, Cabrera Snapper, Sharks and More

Check out this National Geographic short about some of the beautiful and unique marine life that inhabits the Gulf and narrated by renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle. This year is shaping up to be a big year for marine life. 2010 is the culminating year of the Census of Marine Life, a decade-long, international research project …

FASCINATING GULF VIDEO: Corals, Cabrera Snapper, Sharks and More Read More »

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