Andrew Whitehurst

Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church Bus at MDEQ August 13 2019

North Gulfport citizens address MDEQ Permit Board on inland rail port

MDEQ should protect people, and not wedge projects into communities that already have plenty of health and environmental problems to deal with. The August 13th Permit Board meeting was another example of why the MDEQ Environmental Permit Process needs to be examined by the Legislature soon, and made more responsive to the citizens whose health and property are meant to be protected by the agency.

Pearl River Marshes below Hwy 90

Modeling for Oysters and Rivers: Presentations at Mississippi Water Resources Conference April 3-4.

Research engineers from Mississippi State University are developing a hydrodynamic and water quality model for the Western Mississippi Sound for MDEQ and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF funding from the BP settlement). The model will be used to identify the most appropriate locations for oyster bed restoration and cultch deployment in the Western …

Modeling for Oysters and Rivers: Presentations at Mississippi Water Resources Conference April 3-4. Read More »

Oysters and marsh shoreline

Oyster Projects in Mississippi funded by GOMESA leasing revenue

In mid-March, Mississippi’s Department of Marine Resources and Governor announced two new oyster projects that will be funded by the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA). The Act periodically directs revenue from oil and gas production and leasing in the Gulf of Mexico from the U.S. Department of Interior to Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and …

Oyster Projects in Mississippi funded by GOMESA leasing revenue Read More »

Counties and Parishes (shaded) opposed to "One Lake" Project

Costs and Truth Stretching in the “One Lake” DEIS

Last summer the Rankin Hinds Pearl River Flood Control and Drainage District published its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and Feasibility Study for Pearl River Flood Control featuring the “One Lake” alternative as its preferred plan for addressing Pearl River flooding in Jackson. Ranked by cost from greatest to least, the order of alternatives was: …

Costs and Truth Stretching in the “One Lake” DEIS Read More »

Lower Pearl River from GRN. Photo by Billy Duggar, On Wings of Care Billy Duggar

Update on Pearl One Lake Project- Post Comment Period

The comment period closed September 6th on the “One Lake” project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement. GRN and Tulane Environmental Law Clinic prepared comments that could anchor legal action against the Rankin Hinds Drainage District, but many other organizations and state agencies did a great job in writing thorough comments and GRN reserved the right to …

Update on Pearl One Lake Project- Post Comment Period Read More »

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