healthy waters/ dead zone

Mississippi River Collaborative Calls on EPA to Reduce Mississippi River Pollution

New Report Reveals Most States Failing to Manage Nitrogen & Phosphorus PollutionThe Mississippi River Collaborative (MRC) today released a report that implores the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take specific actions to regulate excess nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in state waters along the Mississippi River because those 10 states haven’t achieved any significant pollution …

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Good and Bad News for the Pearl River in Congress’ 2016 WRDA Bill

The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is the omnibus Congressional bill that funds the Army Corps of Engineers in their work on the nation’s waterways. A 2016 version of WRDA is moving through Congress now and has passed the U.S. Senate.Two sections of the Act pertain to projects on the Pearl River in Louisiana and …

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Tampa Bay Deserves a Voice!

For years, Tampa Bay communities have lived with a polluted Bay. Because of aging infrastructure, poor decisions, climate change and extreme weather events, sewage frequently flows directly into our water and onto our beaches.Take action now to stop the sewage crisis!Most recently, Hurricane Hermine overwhelmed the sewage systems of St. Petersburg, Tampa and Clearwater, resulting …

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St. Petersburg Sewage Update

In response to the sewage overflows in St. Petersburg, FL, a draft Consent Order [pdf] has been released by St. Petersburg and Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. Proposed improvements in the draft include:Increasing the capacity of the Southwest Reclamation Facility (cost $21.7 M)Construct two additional injection wells for disposal of treated sewage cost ($12.2 M)Albert …

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St. Petersburg – 20 Days of Sewage

Due to massive rainfalls earlier this month during Hurricane Hermine, St. Petersburg sewage treatment systems began discharging partially treated sewage, comingled with rain water, into Tampa Bay. This has resulted in over 111 million gallons of sewer overflows in the Bay.While this obviously constitutes a failure in St. Petersburg infrastructure and a threat to public …

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Aveda for Clean Water

Access to clean water is a human right. Unfortunately, not everyone in the United States has that access. From Flint, Michigan to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to the deep waters of the Gulf, pollution & toxins threaten the health of our families, animals & environment.Aveda sees the importance of clean water not only in the services …

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BP Restoration Needs Re-Focus on Water Quality Projects

Where are we with BP Restoration projects focused on coastal water quality improvement in Mississippi?To answer this, you can tally the relevant project types that have been announced thus far from the various funding streams resulting from the BP disaster settlement. Three main funding sources are the Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA), RESTORE Act, and …

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