
The Environmental Trial of the Century

#MakeBPpay! Citizens gather outside the federal courthouse in New Orleans before the trial against BP begins. $16 billion? Peanuts$31 billion? Closer$50 billion? Now we’re talking.Today, before opening remarks began in the “Environmental Trial of the Century” that will determine just how much BP and their partners must pay for the destruction they have wrought in …

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Science to serve Coastal Communities

This blog has been cross-posted from Public Laboratory. To see the original article, click here by eustatic on February 1, 2013 10:59Photo by Mary Queen of Vietnam CDCDaniel Nguyen of MQVN discussed best practices for citizen science during the BP oil disaster–specifically citizen science that the fishermen of Village d’Est conducted with embedded Tulane University …

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Pelicans Invade the NBA!

With the news that the NBA was backing Tom Benson’s decision to change his team’s name from the Hornets to the Pelicans, Louisiana’s state bird was back in the news. It had faded from the nation’s attention for a while, after images of the majestic bird drenched in oil seared themselves into our retinas during …

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Plan Needed to Save the Imperiled Mississippi Gopher Frog

The dusky gopher frog, also known as the Mississippi gopher frog. Photo courtesy of USFWS.The dusky gopher frog, also known as the Mississippi gopher frog, is a highly imperiled species currently known to existing in only four sites in coastal Mississippi. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that less than 100 adult dusky gopher …

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Save Mardi Gras Pass

Will the Corps and the state of Louisiana starve the Delta at the whim of oil and gas?In 2011, a swollen Mississippi River re-connected itself with the marshes of Bohemia, without any help from the Corps–but it forgot to ask Shaw for a permit to restore our coast. After 2 years, the oil company that …

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Pearl River Fish Kill Update: Paper Mill Charged

Two men holding an endangered gulf sturgeon, much like the twenty-six killed in the Pearl River Fish Kill. Photo by Byrd Vernon, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceThe Federal Government has finally begun to hold Temple-Inland, Inc., now a subsidiary of International Paper Company, accountable for the damage they incurred on the Pearl River. As covered …

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