Storm Protection / Coastal Issues

A New Gulf Beginning

Last Wednesday was beautiful and historic. While the sun rose and birds chirped, hundreds of citizens gathered at New Orleans City Hall. Representing Texas through Florida, Gulf-coast residents were joined by Louisiana leaders and supporters from as far as California and Washington D.C. The day began when local speakers took the stage. We soon marched …

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Environmental Justice in the Gulf

Dr. Bob Bullard: Father of Environmental Justice For years, I have worked as a community organizer in the Gulf – and am currently the Mississippi Organizer for Gulf Restoration Network. After years of working alongside coastal communities, I was recently appointed to a workgroup for the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC). NEJAC is an …

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Let’s Talk About Flood Risk

Elevated home to help protect against flooding. Photo courtesy of Louisiana Sea Grant College Program Louisiana State University.Hurricanes Katrina and Rita taught many of us just how important protecting our communities from flooding is to our safety – not just during a storm, but every day. Over the next month, Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration …

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Resurrecting Life at Jesuit Bend

As wetlands continue to disappear in droves, restoration efforts remain paramount. Rehabilitating these ecosystems reintroduces countless vibrant species, while simultaneously bolstering wind and floodwater defenses. Lest we forget, wetland mitigation is also required by the Clean Water Act’s policy of “no net loss.’This past GRN visited Plaquemines Parish to witness wetland-building firsthand. Our destination was …

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Outdoor Play in New Orleans City Park, “Yellow Eyed Creatures”

Gulf Restoration Network is proud to partner with the regional premiere of “Yellow Eyed Creatures,” a theatre production which will be staged outdoors in New Orleans City Park in November. A modern retelling of the Genesis myth set in the swamps of Louisiana, “Yellow Eyed Creatures” unearths a new interpretation of humanity’s bond with nature …

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RAM Opposition Floods Belle Chasse

Scores of concerned citizens packed the Belle Chasse Auditorium this past Thursdayfor aDepartment of Natural Resources (DNR) public hearing on the proposed RAM coalexport terminal.As you may be aware, the RAM facility would be located near Wood Park, Myrtle Grove, and historic Ironton in Plaquemines Parish. It’d be the first regional terminal connected to rail, …

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Stand for Coast Not Coal in Belle Chasse

Giant new exposed coal piles along the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish. Mile-long uncovered coal trains rolling through West Bank communities like Gretna and Belle Chasse. Coal dust and pollution in communities and coastal restoration projects. Those are some of the things we could look forward to if the proposed RAM coal export terminal is …

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