Christian Wagley

Disappointments and small wins: the 2020 FL Legislature

An update on the 2021 Florida Legislature

If I had to describe the recently-completed session of the Florida Legislature, I would sum it up as preemption and more preemption, steps forward on climate adaptation and the Feds rescue Florida. Oh—and more kicking the can down the road on the issue of stopping climate change. Let’s take a look. Preemption legislation is that …

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Solar panels being installed on a home in Pensacola, Florida.

The battle over energy: An update from the FL Legislature

There’s a fierce battle taking place in Florida, and the battlefield is the 2021 session of the Florida Legislature. On one side are the citizens of Florida, a majority of whom want action on climate change and access to more solar energy for the Sunshine State. On the other side are fossil fuel companies and …

The battle over energy: An update from the FL Legislature Read More »

Communities are coming together for solar energy. Photo credit: Vote Solar

Offshore drilling, renewable energy and election 2020

Elections create change, and change creates opportunities. And so it is with Election 2020, as the prospects of action on climate change and an end to the dirty and dangerous business of offshore drilling seem much closer. After many years in which Healthy Gulf and a broad coalition have fought against the continued expansion of …

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A rooftop solar installation in the Florida panhandle.

Clean energy and energy democracy for the Gulf coast

Our society is the early stages of one of the greatest transitions in human history, as we move away from fossil fuels to a future of renewable energy. In that transition lies an epic battle over the terms and pace of that transition. It’s a battle that will determine who gets to access clean energy,how …

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The continuing saga of oil and gas drilling off Florida

The continuing saga of oil and gas drilling off Florida

Summer is always hot in Florida, and this one promises to be a scorcher. That’s because the future of the Florida Gulf coast hangs in the balance as oil companies push to drill near our shores. Meanwhile, a presidential election year brings candidates courting votes from a vital swing state—one solidly against offshore drilling. Florida …

The continuing saga of oil and gas drilling off Florida Read More »

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