healthy waters/ dead zone

PetCoke and Coal in Plaquemines restoration

October 2012Meselhe et al at the Water Institute and ARCADIS–in regards to necessary environmental analysis for theRAM terminal proposal:”debris and dust generated during the loading process would be captured in the outfall channel and transported into the marsh areas potentially causing environmental issues. The investigation of water quality was not part of the scope of …

PetCoke and Coal in Plaquemines restoration Read More »

New Direction for MDEQ Permit Board?

At the MDEQ Environmental Permit Board’s August 2014 meeting, we presented GRN’s comments which asked the Board to require fecal coliform bacteria monitoring for any discharges from the reservoir at the Kemper IGCC power plant. This reservoir holds Meridian’s treated municipal waste water at the end of a 41-mile pipeline. Kemper buys this water to …

New Direction for MDEQ Permit Board? Read More »

Another Large Gulf Dead Zone, Few Reductions in Pollution

New Orleans, LAToday scientists from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium released their annual measurement of the Gulf Dead Zone, which measured 5,008 square miles, almost as large as the state of Connecticut.. LUMCON has been measuring the Dead Zone since 1985, and this year’s Dead Zone is three times larger than the Dead Zone Task …

Another Large Gulf Dead Zone, Few Reductions in Pollution Read More »

Wasting Our Waterways: A Gulf Perspective

Last month, Environment America released its Wasting Our Waterways report, examining the astronomical amount of toxic pollutants that were discharged by industrial facilities into the waterways of the United States in 2012. 206 million pounds of toxic chemicals to be exact. Though the report highlights the multitude of problems with toxic discharges in watersheds big …

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Clean Up the Dead Zone!

Louisiana may soon take a huge step backwards in the effort to protect our coast and clean up the Dead Zone. The Dead Zone, which was the size of Connecticut last year, is an area that forms in the Gulf every summer where oxygen levels get so low that sea life must swim away or …

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Florida water – still down and still dirty

The Florida legislative session ended last Friday without passage of the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act. In spite of strong organizing by citizens and environmental groups, and unanimous support in the Senate, even the watered down version from Agricultural, industrial and Florida Chamber of Commerce interests failed to move forward in the Florida House. …

Florida water – still down and still dirty Read More »

Report Shows Minnesota Not Protecting Agricultural Streams

A heavy load of sediment makes the Minnesota River look paler where it joins the cleaner Mississippi River in the Twin Cities. (2013, NAIP)In a new report released by the Environmental Working Group, entitled Broken Stream Banks, it is evident that Minnesota is not doing enough to protect their rural streams from pollution, including nitrogen …

Report Shows Minnesota Not Protecting Agricultural Streams Read More »

Florida’s Springs Can’t Wait

Florida’s springs are under siege. Ask Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford to support springs restoration today!Florida is home to over 1000 springs – more than any other state. These bowls of liquid light are world class jewels in Florida’s crown that provide natural, recreational and economic values; but they are in danger. Florida’s springs are …

Florida’s Springs Can’t Wait Read More »

Questioning MDEQ’s Kemper Reservoir Permit

Okatibbee Lake is fed by streams receiving water from several permitted discharges from Kemper The Kemper IGCC (lignite gasification) power plant will use Meridian’s treated municipal sewage water to make steam for the turbines that produce electricity. That water becomes property of Mississippi Power when the company purchases it from Meridian and pumps it 41 …

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