Gulf Currents
Gulf Currents is Healthy Gulf’s printed biannual newsletter providing updates on our programs, partner group activities, and current events and issues from around the Gulf.
Inside this issue: Deep Dive into Gulf Oysters, highlighting new, hard-won protections for the Gulf Bryde’s whale, legal battles over the Well Control Rule, and much more.
Inside this issue: Progress on the Pearl River, Oil & Gas in the Gulf of Mexico, Landmark Fisheries on the Line, Protecting Deep Sea Coral, Florida Algae Crisis
Inside this issue: Lessons Learned: Hurricane Season Monitoring, Litigation as a Last Resort, Hope on the Pearl, Fighting Federal Rollbacks, New Staff and Board, GRN’s 23rd Anniversary, On the Ground in Florida
Inside this issue: Flood Less New Orleans, Perspective of a Southern Environmental Advocate, One Lake: A Far Cry from Needed Restoration, 2017 Monitoring Trips and Reports, Gulf Fish Forever, New Board Members, Aveda Earth Month.
Inside this issue: Water is Life, Together Let’s Protect the Gulf, Tough Decisions in Coastal Texas, Protecting Gulf Waters & Wetlands, Living in a Changing Climate, Sewage Woes in Florida, Gulf Fish Forever on Capitol Hill, Protect What You Love.
Inside this issue: Victory in Gulf State Park, Taking a Stand for Our Future, The Sunshine State Stands Up to Sabal Trail, Out & About With GRN, Aveda for Clean Water, New Faces, Victories for Pascagoula, A Future for Gulf Fish, GRN Keeps Our Eyes on the Gulf, What Do Small Fish Say About Big Rivers, Fundraising By the Numbers.
Inside this issue: 5 Years Later – Where Do We Go From Here, Message from Board Member Cynthia Ramseur, GRN in Action, Partnering With Aveda, Fond Farewells and New Faces, GRN Opens a Texas Office, Changing Attitudes About Fresh Water Flows to the Coast, Victories for a Healthy Gulf, Pipeline Threatens Vulnerable Habitat, Creature Feature: Short-Finned Pilot Whale and Summer Renewal Drive.
Inside this issue: 20 Victories for 20 Years, Message from Executive Director Cynthia Sarthou, Victories Timeline, Defend Our Coast Fundraiser, Bayou Revisited with Mike Tidwell, Voodoo Experience 2014, Summer Solstice Party, Connecting the Dots in Pensacola, Louisiana Communities Choose Coast Over Coal, Restoration Begins in the Wake of the BP Disaster, Victory for Mississippi’s Coast, and Celebrating 20 Years for a Healthy Gulf.
Inside this issue: A Healthier Gulf Future Through Arts and Culture, Message from Board Member Aaron Viles, Gems of the Gulf, Florida Springs, Aveda Earth Month Thanks, Hands Across the Sand, Easter Keg Hunt, GRN Turns Twenty, BP Turns to the Tobacco Industry Playbook, Fracking in St. Tammany Parish, Monitoring the Gulf, Galveston Bay Takes a Hit, and Knocking for a Healthy Gulf.
Inside this issue: Dirty Energy on the Gulf Coast, Message from the Executive Director, Oil and Gas in Court, The Louisiana Pancake Batfish, Mondo Fundraiser, Salons for a Healthy Gulf, Voodoo Music Experience, Preserving Coastal Mississippi, Florida Fracking, Alabama Pipeline
Inside this issue: BP-Funded Boondoggles, Message from the Board Chair, Flood Less New Orleans, Bryde’s Whale, Andy Borberly on the Mississippi, Upcoming Events, Baton Rouge Fundraiser, Aveda Earth Month, Thanks to Dan and Aaron, Florida’s Nature Coast Protected, Dead Zone, Pearl River Paper Mill Fined, Working Together with the River and Dredge
Inside this issue: As BP Pummeled in Court, Gulf Beaches Hit by Tarballs, Message from the Executive Director, Gulf Monitoring Consortium, GRN in DC, New Board Member, Easter Keg Hunt, Aveda Earth Month 2013, New GRN Headquarters, GRN Outreach Team, The Problem with Sewage, Mississippi DMR Rocked by Scandal, Coal Terminals Threatening Coastal Restoration, Florida Legislative Session: Water Outlook for 2013, Switching Gears to Save Bluefin Tuna
Inside this issue: Hurricane Isaac Aftermath, Letter from the Executive Director, Coastal Lines of Defense, Florida: Weeki Wachee Springs, Mondo Event, Hands Across the Sand, Marsh Dog Winner, Voodoo Experience, Robert Wiygul Sierra Club Award, Paddling the Heart of America, Dead Zone, Creature Feature, Mississippi Update
Inside this issue: Message from an Advisory Board Member, Dead Zone EPA Lawsuit, 12 Miles South Coalition, Gulf Gathering 2012, Easter Keg Hunt, Congratulations & Thanks to Eir, Cruisin’ for the Coast, Aveda Earth Month, Bluefin Tuna, Florida Waters, Thanks to our Supporters, The American Purple Gallinule
Inside this issue: Board Member Perspective from Mississippi, Keeping Florida’s Water Flowing, BP Propaganda, Mondo Fundraiser, Voodoo 2011, Aveda Earth Month, Thank You Donors, Hattiesburg Sewage Update, Louisiana Master Plan Summary, Whopping Crane, Kemper Gumbo
Inside this issue: The Oil is Still Here and So Are We, Victory for One River and Fish Kill on Another, Gulf Community Member Spotlight, Florida’s Nature Coast, Louisiana’s Dead Zone, Sperm Whales, Student Activists
Inside this issue: Great Flood of 2011, BP Disaster Update, Gulf Events, Aveda Partnership, Pancake Batfish, Protecting Florida, Sediment Diversions, Smelly Lagoons
Inside this issue: Nat’l Commission Report, Climate Change, MRGO, Restoration Plan, Interview with a Biogeo-chemist, Gulf Events, GRN Supporters, Gulf Community, No to Kemper Coal, Bryde’s Whale, Walking to DC for the Gulf