
BP Disaster: 9 years later. Have we learned our lesson?

BP Disaster: 9 years later. Have we learned our lesson?

Today marks 9 years since BP’s Deepwater Horizon platform exploded, killing 11 people and leading to the largest oil drilling disaster in United States history. The 205 million gallons of oil and 1.8 million gallons of dispersants that were released into the Gulf had widespread impacts on the health of people, wildlife, coastal ecosystems, and …

BP Disaster: 9 years later. Have we learned our lesson? Read More »

Pearl River Marshes below Hwy 90

Modeling for Oysters and Rivers: Presentations at Mississippi Water Resources Conference April 3-4.

Research engineers from Mississippi State University are developing a hydrodynamic and water quality model for the Western Mississippi Sound for MDEQ and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF funding from the BP settlement). The model will be used to identify the most appropriate locations for oyster bed restoration and cultch deployment in the Western …

Modeling for Oysters and Rivers: Presentations at Mississippi Water Resources Conference April 3-4. Read More »

Yazoo Pumps - Is this zombie project finally dead?

Yazoo Pumps – Is this zombie project finally dead?

The Yazoo Backwater Pumps project is a 77 year old Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) project that would have resulted in one of the world’s largest water pumping plants in one of the most sparsely populated regions of the country. The pumps would, at last estimate, cost taxpayers $220 million with at least $1 million …

Yazoo Pumps – Is this zombie project finally dead? Read More »

Legislators weaken protections for what makes Florida special

The Florida Legislature has been on an anti-environment tack for most of the past 15 years, even as Floridians become increasingly concerned about issues such as growth, water shortages, and the health of the State’s waterways where so many of us fish and swim. Unfortunately, this year’s just-completed legislative session brought more of the same …

Legislators weaken protections for what makes Florida special Read More »

The perspective of a southern environmental advocate

This article is excerpted from the Summer 2017 issue of Gulf Currents, GRN’s bi-annual printed newsletter. At a recent national gathering of environmental and conservation activists, it became very clear that my colleagues from the East, Mid-West, and West were extremely stressed and disheartened by the efforts of Congress and the White House to neutralize …

The perspective of a southern environmental advocate Read More »

Mississippi Phosphates & Contaminated Wastewater

In October of 2014 the Mississippi Phosphates Company in Pascagoula declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company left 700 million gallons of acidic, contaminated wastewater at the site. Every inch of rain creates an additional 9 million gallons of contaminated wastewater.The facility is only capable of treating less than 2 million gallons a day of the …

Mississippi Phosphates & Contaminated Wastewater Read More »

Congressman Palazzo, Mississippi needs the EPA.

Congressman Steven Palazzo of Mississippi’s 4th Congressional District caused great alarm among his constituents when he co-sponsored a bill to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency. Mississippi’s Fourth District is in a low-lying coastal area. Wetlands and the riparian areas along the Mississippi coasts’ many estuaries provide critical storm protection to residents. Irresponsible development threatens these …

Congressman Palazzo, Mississippi needs the EPA. Read More »

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